Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Last Kiss

Anime petal storm. Let's ignore the glaringly obvious anatomy problems (and the hands situation...).

Today, or, yesterday, it came to my attention that Sorcerous Stabber Orphen is getting an anime remake in 2020. That's some cool news. I was a big Krylancelo lover in my early teens. Thanks, toonami.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Ur-Style -arbitrary style-

This was hard.

I just need to do something, I feel like I'm a useless slug. I was flicking through old drawing albums, and I don't have the spark like I felt I used to.
I had the idea that maybe if I stopped drawing what I was used to and did something different, something I didn't plan out and just have ideas as they came to me. Put on old music I used to listen to.